Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pregnancy Progression: Weeks 22-28

I have officially entered the third trimester! Only 12 weeks to go! 
Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25

Week 26

Week 27

Week 28

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March and Springy Days!

This was fun cheap entertainment one day. We put baking soda in a pan, and his cars and trucks "plowed" the snow. Then when he got tired of that, I gave him a bowl of vinegar and a dropper and let him make it fizzy.  

Our trial run at having multiple kids. Shawn and Anna went out while we watched the boys. 4, 2, 10 months, and pregnant.

Someone has developed a fascination for Legos!

My Instagram post:

We found a Coldstone gift card while we were spring cleaning yesterday. I told Jed that we were going to go get ice cream after dinner tonight and he said, "What am I gonna eat?" It about broke my heart. But I knew they had sorbet (which he's thoroughly enjoying in this picture) so he could have something dairy-free. He said, "Dada! It doesn't have cheese in it!"

And the sunny days begin!! We ripped the plastic off of our windows and finally got to use the deck and let the sunlight in!

We celebrated with a picnic---the first picnic of 8 in a row!

I painted this canvas at our MOPS Night Owl event. So fun!

Like father, like son.

Grandma Patti got to come to Story Time with us over her Spring Break.

Legos. Fascinated.

We picnicked and played with Nash & Kerri at the park!

"Give me more of that strawberry!"

I bought myself some tulips! So beautiful while they lasted!

See that little guy over there on the couch, totally engrossed in his High Five magazine?

Picnic #5

#6. Thanks for the monster cookies, Anna!

#7 (two picnics in a row with Dad!)

Oops. Somehow our car took us into the Dairy Queen parking lot. 

I watched Bentley and Charley on Shawn and Anna's anniversary as they went out for a brunch date. 

Then B came over to spend the night!

Jed's first Slumber Party! 

Bedhead and books in the morning!

B got to join us for Story Time!

Then Anna came over and made us lunch! Dairy-free pizza and lots of good sides and dessert! Oh! And she brought me some daffodils that are just starting to open! Thanks! We had the BEST week! Springtime is good for my soul!!!