Sunday, April 30, 2017

April Days

Our MOPS Moms' Night Out
Adding Lego stickers to his birthday invitations

Jed's word to draw was "living room" and he drew this. Now look at the next picture. 

He is constantly climbing this doorway. So naturally, "living room" included him in this position. 

Can you find Jed?

Detailing my car

For 35 days, we tried to do an "act of love" for someone. We started by taking our neighbors' trash cans back up the driveway.

Writing birthday Postagram thank you's.

We got back from a walk and our neighbors had left us cookies! Jed was so excited that they had shown an act of love back to us!

We baked donuts using Jed's birthday gift from Bentley, Charley and Henley 

Dropping Jed off at Kindergarten Round-Up (in the yellow shirt behind a teacher)

Successful day of Kindergarten Round-Up!

Earth Day Celebration

An act of love that he thought up on his own! (returning the cone to its spot)

Delivering soup to Grandma Patti for his act of love on a cold day.

My awesome MOPS leadership team at our last MOPS meeting all together! I'll miss you all! 

Jed's loot from the school carnival. (He got tickets at Round Up and was so excited!)

We spotted an owl on our neighbor's front porch!

Our first morning at our new church, Providence Church!