Wednesday, September 23, 2015

3 Months

-has become so much more responsive!
-just noticed that he has feet
-sleeps pretty great at night
-doesn't like when I eat wheat
-is now a HAPPY BABY because I stopped eating wheat!!! (I'll do anything for a happy baby!)
-still loves the ball/bathroom vent/swaddle to fall asleep
-is starting to develop a schedule during the day
-often gets told that he looks long
-likes to listen to me sing "I have hands that can clap, clap, clap" (but we change the words to "feet" and clap his feet and he thinks it hilarious)
-has nightly talks with DJ
-has started sitting in the Bumbo, but gets tired quickly
-likes to suck on his fist
-always looks at you with big eyes!

I am so thankful to have found the issue to his fussiness! Now we can enjoy this baby stage! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kliewer Family Reunion!

Jason, Lindsey, Shelby & Angelina came from California to spend two weeks with us. We had some fun in Omaha before we headed to Atkinson. And we ended our trip back in Omaha all together for a few days! 10 adults and 9 kids! It was crazy and fun!

headed to Atkinson!

Mom! Look how high I can jump! 

Henley is catching up to Alistair!

Dr. Lindsey to the rescue

Our in-house barista for the week

Ladies' Inservice--Spa Night!

Too many cooks in the kitchen

The carrot peeler

The lettuce washer

Shelby was such a great babysitter!

We had an awesome two weeks together!!!