Monday, June 18, 2012

2 months

although this second month went as quickly as the first one did, i feel like i've had a baby for awhile now. when i think back to my first visitors that came over, it seems like it was ages ago! here are the stats on the baby.


weighs 14lbs 3oz and is quickly growing out of 0-3 month clothes. every few days i put on an outfit that is too short and i sadly put it away in a tote. he's growing so fast! he's also giving his almost-6-month-old cousin, logan, a run for her money!

loves to walk around in the moby wrap facing out. he loves it more when the walking takes place outside.

cuddles up and falls asleep with his head on my left shoulder and his roly poly arm underneath his chin. so cute! 

his taste in music has switched from jason mraz to whatever is on 98.5.  ha! he falls asleep to the radio in the above-mentioned position. 

had his first trip to the zoo and liked the colorful fish.

smiles a lot!

started sleeping 4-5 hours at a time at night. woo hoo!

still likes the vacuum, but we use it less often than we used to. 

developed several different cries.  i can now tell when he is tired or hungry.  this is so different for us!  he used to only have one cry at one volume...a full scream! 

has a favorite word: "ah-goo."  babies truly do say "goo goo ga ga." 

still likes bouncing on the ball, but we do that less too.

is awake many more hours in the day. he definitely doesn't sleep the day away like he did a month ago. he has started to look at toys hanging from his swing and car seat.

goes to bed a little earlier these days, but he is still a night owl like us!

who needs a gym membership when you have a baby? my arms are constantly getting a workout!  i stand in front of the mirror and pretend i'm in a 24 Hour Fitness step class as i bounce him to sleep.  my calves will never be more toned than they are now! :) 

it's already getting more and more fun each day as he learns to do new things!  i can't wait to see what he does at 3 months! happy 2 month birthday!

see him at 1 month here.

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