Monday, December 10, 2012

snoozing cousins

Bentley came over on Saturday night while Shawn & Anna were at a Christmas party.  He fell asleep on the way over here, and then Jed fell asleep too. DJ and I were in the kitchen when they woke up at the same time. Bentley wasn't disoriented at all apparently. We all of a sudden heard Bentley yell, "DIAAAAAHHHH!!!" Then they both proceeded to smile back and forth at each other for a long time. 
sleepy jed

sleepy bentley

bentley is under the blanket.  oh, and after our tree fell over and was put back together, a string of lights went out. grrr!

we're the cool aunt and uncle. we got chick-fil-a!

hey! whatcha doin'? 

1 comment:

  1. there may be no snow on the ground...but those lights sure are sparkly!

    that night, "no go home, go back to djs!"
    today, "turn around mom, back up! back to andreas!" and then at nap time (crying) "but i miss diah, i want to hold him, i love him"
