Thursday, February 21, 2013

phone dump

i broke our coffee table.

so peaceful

dj and jedidiah are both under there sleeping

i feel like their relationship will be like this for awhile.  "what's bentley doing?"...

"okay, i'll do it too!"

how does anyone keep a crawler alive? i found this in his mouth. 

Jed is set from 18-24 months.  thanks, kaden!

he. always. points.

jed's first accident.  he slipped while he was hanging on the tv stand and knocked his mouth on the shelf.  his top teeth ran into his bottom lip.  ouch.  his lip was bruised for a few days. 

we happened to be looking outside when the mailman came and saw that he delivered a package...from Grandma!

look at my new valentine's bib and peek-a-book book!

he has officially discovered my cupboards

karen & jordan were in town, so we got to hang out.  Heather, Karen and I made brunch and talked about old times...naturally.  

watching the snow fall last friday.

we went out for frozen yogurt with grandpa and grandma

playing drums with his yogurt spoon drumstick

we completed our february zoo trip with grandpa and grandma

big news of the friend, heather, had a baby boy!

and today.  it's a snowday and i'm so glad that i'm not building a new deck on my neighbor's house today.  


  1. I love phone dumps. Loved how Jed is looking at B using his cup. That is probably exactly how they learn everything. Your handwriting on your Valentine chalk board is so perfect - beautiful. You could be a teacher! I love how he loves eating beans - his eyes are so big, dark & happy. Fun post.

  2. great pics! can't believe jed is so old! we gotta hang out w/him before he gets to high school.

  3. OH MY GOSH! You guys sure have made a cute kid! I cried from laughing watching him push that box as a walker and geting stuck! He also has great pitch! Could be the next JT! I love that little stinker!
