Thursday, March 14, 2013

11 months


-copies words (moo, baa, mama, dada, grandma (it's true!...i'll get a video), bible, bubba, nana, Diah)
-finds the light and points when you ask him
-sticks out his tongue if you ask him where it is
-dances (bounces) to music
-took 15 steps in a row
-gets excited when you say banana
-copies you when you click your tongue or blow
-SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!! he sleeps from 9am-9pm (he eats and goes back to sleep around 7am)
-gets put to bed by DJ every night.
-starts clapping when you say "clap" or "patty cake"
-does great eating finger foods
-crawls on his right knee and left foot

I CANNOT BELIEVE I only have one more "month" post to go! Where did this year go???? He will be ONE so soon!!

and here are more pictures that were taken this week...


  1. love the picture of him holding the sippy cup & looking at the camera. sweetness!
    he says SO many words!!! logan says.... doggie. thats it. oh and mama, only when she is crying. ha.

    1. that's my favorite picture too! well, the only words he uses in context are mama, dada, and (ba)nana. the rest he just repeats.

  2. he is looking like a little boy!
