Monday, November 11, 2013

19 months

Hooray! I'm back on track.  Today Jedidiah turned 19 months old.  I took the picture today. And I'm posting today! My goal is to be better at posting during this holiday season.  Yeah, I said it! "Holiday Season."  Thanksgiving is close! And pretty soon it will be Christmas! So here he is.


is really into sing-songy rhyming books, and kid songs.  He sits on my lap facing me and stares at my mouth when I sing a new song to him.  You can see his wheels turning and absorbing every word.

has a really choppy, bouncy, fast run that's really cute.

is going through a whiny stage. 

wears beads around the house all the time.

likes to wear hats.  His favorite is his Huskers hat.  Whenever he puts it on he yells "Touchdown 'braska!" or "Hu-kers."

finishes the last word of the song or rhyme that I'm singing.

he and dj are best buds


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (^^^it looks so elusive that i deleted my comment. just a spelling error. should have left it^^^) Jed is almost like mom, can i have a shirt on? You're the mom, so you don't want to say it. but i will, Jed is also freakishly smart. there, now it is documented.
