Friday, April 5, 2013

friday phone dump + videos

It's April 5th today--Jed's due date last year! As much as I tried to tell myself that he probably wouldn't come on his actual due date, I was a little shocked when I woke up and I hadn't gone into labor yet. But he came 6 days later. And that means that we will have a one year old in six days!! Happy Friday! 
he just put his head down and laid like this for awhile.  then i showed him this picture on my phone a few days later, and every time he looked at it, he would lay his head down again. 

lunch.  i determined today that leftovers from someone else is super unappealing. but when you discover that last night's dinner is in your fridge and you don't have to scrounge around to make a boring sandwich or eat oatmeal for lunch, then leftovers are AWESOME!!

Easter package from Grandma!

legs everywhere. and so intertwined!

feeling good about making an easter tie. 

my first attempt: total fail.

it looked terrible. 

2nd attempt: great! until i put it around his neck and it was too small. which is why he is pulling at it in this picture. 

there was a lamb at church last friday when we visited dj.  it was there was the Good Friday service. 

finally got it!

Easter morning.  DJ is on the left.

we dug out the baby pictures on Sunday so Jen could get some photos for her wedding. here's baby dj. 

sitting in the sun

just checking out the apps on the iPad

we're getting pool memberships this summer! 

we ate at Zio's and they give kids a ball of dough to eat play with while you wait for your food. 

trying to eat playing with clay with Bentley.  

B is for bird and Bentley

jed got this ring around his leg and each time he tried to pull it off, he just kept pulling his own leg up. 

classic head-stuck-in-the-railings episode

i went to lunch with some paddock ladies.  actually, 4 of us were former paddock staff! 


  1. you mean half a peanut butter & honey + the scraps B didn't eat isn't an awesome lunch?

  2. On the teamwork video poor Jed had the hard job. Always standing up to hand the ball to B. Ha

  3. The problem of Jed not being born on his due date is that you just didn't get the text that he had been born. ha ha
