Monday, March 17, 2014

23 months

ONE MONTH TO GO!  How can a little newborn be almost 2 years old?  


-has a some commonly said phrases:  "Mama walk"=come with me as I hold your hand.  "Mama drive" = do not take me out of the car seat, I want to keep driving.  "Feh down" (fell down) and "bwoken" (broke) are among his favorite words.  He's obsessed with things falling and/or breaking.  Olympic figure skating was very interesting for him.
-loves to jump off things.  He's getting pretty good at 2-footed jumping too!
-started throwing fits about stopping the car, putting on his jeans, combing his hair, etc. 
-says "no no no" to almost every suggestion. But he is learning that when he gets the look that he quickly says "okay mama" or "okay dada."  So far it's working. Ha. "Makes mama happy!"  Yes it does!
-sings all the time.  His favorite songs are "Old MacDonald" and "BINGO"
-knows his colors. 
-does a grand finale at the end of every song= singing the last note  at least an octave higher, or more.  It's so funny.  

We love you, little buddy! 

1 comment:

  1. He is one amazing little boy! So much fun to hear what he has said or done. I don't know how the time went so fast either - but he does look like a little boy and not a baby. Waiting to come help you celebrate your 2nd birthday/or share your birthday with a baby cousin. Ha. I guess time will tell. We love you Jedidiah - Grandpa and Grandma
