Saturday, January 19, 2013

9 months


weighs 19 lbs (23%)
is 29 3/4 inches long (89%)
learned to wave on Christmas Eve
says "haaa" when he waves hello
hangs onto things and stands (he can almost get up on his own)
has both top teeth
loves butternut squash (we hide all of the green veggies in his "good" food)
sits up in his crib so he has a hard time falling back asleep on his own
has more hair (several people have commented on it in the last week, so it must be true!)
likes to be rocked to sleep again
developed several new faces (scrunched face, sticking his tongue out)
feeds himself little banana puffs


  1. i had to go back & look at gage's 9 month pics. looks like they are pretty similar boys:) jed is so stinking cute!!

  2. Always fun to see more pics of Jed. We need to plan a trip to Omaha again soon. Missed those little boys.
